Life Starts Now.

Living each day to the fullest, because we know first-hand just how fragile life can be.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


(I'm sorry for any men who may be reading this....)

It's PMS time.  Which means that I do my habit.  I curl up to the upstairs computer with a hot drink during naptime.  I read what Ewan's mommy and her friends have to say.  I read about CHD's and the families affected by them.  I get a huge lump in my throat when I realize just how many 1 in 100 is.  It's a lot.  One in a hundred isn't that rare.  We're one of them.  My heart hurts for mommies that have to wait to see their babies in Heaven.  My heart hurts knowing that someone's felt the same pain that I have, watching my child, wondering and hoping and praying that they'll make it through.

And when I hear my child babbling downstairs, it hurts my heart knowing that some mommies don't get to hear that.  Praying for CHD families today. 

1 comment:

  1. The video of the trach removal was amazing. He is so tough and you were just the fastest, calmest mom/nurse ever - very impressive all the way around! I'm so excited about the changes Joel is making. I can NOT wait to come see you guys!!
